Get Involved
There are 4 ways you can help make a difference
Hear from town officials about the facts and figures related to the town budget, ask questions and share your voice.
Missed a meeting and want to catch up? Videos from recorded meetings are on the Videos page.
Share your perspective on what this vote means to you.
Reach out to your Norton network! Talk to your friends, neighbors, your kids' friends and teammates' parents, anyone you think would be invested in making a difference to Norton's future!
Spread the word with social media.
FOLLOW and SHARE our Facebook Page
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Make plans with your friends and neighbors to vote at the Election (Saturday, July 13)
Distribute flyers
**Flyers may NOT be put inside any mailboxes or distributed inside any municipal buildings, including schools.**
The Special Town Election will be held on Saturday July 13th at Norton Middle School from 8am -5pm.
Make a plan now to vote either by absentee ballot or in person on July 13th. EVERY VOTE COUNTS! Reach out to friends and family and make sure all eligible voters make a plan to vote.
Vote in person on Saturday July 13th at NMS from 8am-5pm or you can vote absentee by going to Town Hall, requesting an application, and voting right then. Absentee voting is available until Friday July 12th at 12:00pm. If you opted in to vote by mail, make sure to mail it back asap!
Would you like to be a part of "Everyone for Norton"? There are many ways to get involved! Email us at
or fill out this form:
Want to help support our fundraising efforts? Visit our fundraising form: