The "1%" BUDGET
Finance Committee Recommended 1% Option for FY25:
This budget won't be able to provide even a level service budget, and important services would be affected, including the School Department, Fire and Police Departments, new Senior Center, and others.
This budget also required the use of $1.2 Million of "free cash" from our savings account and $1 Million dollars from our Ambulance Receipt accounts, both of which are intended to be used for non-recurring expenses like capital, etc. Otherwise, the cuts would have been even greater.
Details on the 1% Budget
FY 24 Budget $71,451,048.73
A $2.0M (2.80%) increase in the budget
After accounting for an 7.73% increase for Fixed and Shared Expenses and using $2.22M of funds from Free Cash, Ambulance, and Dog Fund, the General Government Budget and Norton Public School Budget would only be able to increase by 1%. However, the requested budgets rose 7.8% and 12%, respectively, largely based on providing level services, as a result of increasing costs. If we move ahead with this 1% budget, numerous eliminated services and positions in both the School Department and General Government would need to happen.
State Aid for FY25 is estimated to be up only 0.5% over last year, so our local property taxes continue to grow as the main source of revenue for the town.
The increase in property tax receipts is a combination of 2.5% above last year plus new growth. New growth has been declining in recent years and is estimated to reduce by 6.5% for FY25.
In FY24, 5% of the town budget was funded by utilizing funds transferred from Stabilization, Free Cash, Ambulance, Overlay, and Dog Fund. In FY25, the town is looking to only be able to fund 3% of the budget from these sources, $1.4M less.
Sources: FY25 - Budget Worksheet & FY25 Budget Memo from Town Manager & Town Meeting Warrant
From Town Meeting Warrant:
From Finance Committee Report:
Read the entire Town Meeting Warrant
with Finance Committee Recommendations
Elimination of 29 positions across the district, including:
Elimination of Art and Band classes as in-school electives at middle school
Elimination of foreign language at middle school
Elimination of Band at upper elementary level
Reduction/elimination of health classes at high school
Reduction of library access for elementary
Decreased support for students in math & reading
Higher class sizes and caseloads and less support
Increased fees (bus, activities, sports)
Inability to fully staff the station given lack of overtime availability
Greater chance of reduced staffing, below the minimum of 8 on-duty
Chartley Station would likely need to close at times
Longer response times, particularly in the western part of town, and reduced ability to respond to simultaneous calls
Loss of ambulance revenue
Inability to fully staff the Senior Center to provide services to those in the community
Inability to staff requested added hours for Assistant Director, which is necessary to serve those in need in the community as well as our seniors
No added van driver to enable food deliveries to be made in a safe and sanitary manner
Reduction of hours for School Resource Program (SROs)
Reduction of 4 patrols down to 3 possible on some shifts
Station closures may be needed due to staffing issues (i.e. no officer at the station due to required on the road staffing levels)
Longer response times are probable due to staffing issues
...and MORE! These are just some of the impacts
The chart below shows some of the increases and decreases in certain fund transfers and appropriations used to support the "1%" budget, comparing FY24 to FY25:
Concerned about the impact a "1% budget" would have on our town?